Tuesday, March 25, 2008


While I was preparing dinner and Connor was eating his, we shared the following conversation (sparked by my pouring his glass of milk):

Connor: Some people get two milks. [meaning, he has observed people at grocery stores purchasing two gallons]

Me: Yes, some people buy two. It may be because they have more children. Children drink a lot of milk. Milk is good for children.

Connor: I'm a children!

Me: You're a child.

Connor: I'm not a child! I'm a kid!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Connor and Emily chat before the stories begin.

Connor and Mia enjoy some refreshments after the stories. Mia is one month older than Connor, and her parents and Connor's uncle are good friends.

Story time is over. Connor plays on.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


in the "Northwest Passage"at the Memphis Zoo, Saturday

Jessica shows off the photos she's taken.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I played with this set of wooden blocks as a child. My godmother, Aunt Marian, found them for me at a craft fair.


Sunday, March 2, 2008


Saturday Connor helped his dad mow the yard.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Connor completed his first full week as a real Preschooler! His teachers report that he adjusted with no problem, and though tired, he seemed really happy too.
Nearly every day he's been excited to tell us about one of the day's activities. The first day, he found it amusing that his teacher said, "Don't eat the cookie!" when she passed out animal crackers for an art project. (They are studying habitats.) Another day he told us about drawing a picture of our house (his habitat).
The Preschool program is typically for 3 and 4 year-olds, and yesterday afternoon I got to spend some time talking to his classmates. Most of them are much larger than him, and some of them can spell their names.
Connor was happy to see me, but he didn't rush over with the teary expression as he would in his former classroom. He sat and finished his snack, and then made his way to claim me before I decided to take another child home.