Monday, February 18, 2008

Connor 2.5

For those of you who are counting, Connor will officially turn "two-and-a-half" this week. That milestone comes with some news: this week he will be transitioning from the Early Preschool program to full-blown Preschool. His current class has grown too large, so the directors began looking at which kids were ready to move up. According to them, Connor was the first obvious candidate, until they realized he was already one of the youngest in his class. However, together we all decided that it would be a good move for him, so next week he will be in the Preschool room full time. I know he has the analytic, motor, and verbal skills, but it will be interesting to find out how he does with the older kids socially.
He was in dire need of a haircut, so he got one.
Before (yesterday afternoon):

After (this morning):

He appears much older (I think) with some of that hair out of the way. Or maybe it's the oversized bathrobe that adds the years ...