Friday, August 15, 2008

Miyu-chan to Yuki-chan to Connor

In the spring we met a Japanese family with two children: Yuki-chan is about half a year younger than Connor, and Miyu-chan just started kindergarten (although she had already completed a whole year of kindergarten in New York. I think her parents find the lack of standardization in school starting age baffling. Isn't it? In Japan everything starts in April. April 1 is the cut-off date throughout Japan, from the north to the south. So much simpler, don't you think?)
The other day Connor had a playdate with them. We found out that Connor and Yuki have the same cap! They were too busy to pose, so I got only action shots. Below you can see all the hard work that was being done. Also, notice their amazing playroom! It's any kid's dream.

p.s. If you're wondering why in every single picture Connor is wearing that same shirt, it's because he loves it, he wears it every time it's clean. When I let him dress himself, that's the outfit he chooses.

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